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How Can I Prove My Assault Charge Was In Self Defense?

How Can I Prove My Assault Charge Was In Self Defense?


Proving Self Defense In Your Assault Case

When a person finds themselves in a highly stressful or dangerous scenario, the human body has an instinctive fight or flight response that often cannot be helped. When a person believes they are in a life-or-death situation, the urge to survive is a primal impulse that can lead to unusual behavior, like using extremely violent or lethal force in an effort to protect themselves. This human instinct is why self-defense laws are in place.

If you’re dealing with assault or battery charges simply for protecting yourself, your family, or your property, you may be able to mount a solid defense. Here’s the information you need. 

The Right to Self Defense 

The law affords people with some rights to self defense due to the fact that humans have a natural fight response when faced with real danger. That said, if you hurt someone in the course of protecting yourself, someone else, or your property, you’ll need to be able to prove that the danger was, in fact, real or at least the threat was real enough that you would reasonably take action. 

Gathering Evidence 

To advocate for the best possible outcome in your assault case, it’s critical that you are able to demonstrate evidence that you acted in defense of your person or property. If you do not have sufficient evidence that the situation warranted your actions, you may lose your case. Types of evidence in assault and battery cases include but is not limited to: 

  • Any video footage of the incident, whether captured by nearby security cameras or another person’s cell phone 
  • Medical records that show you were a victim of offensive wounds before you ever retaliated 
  • A confession from the person who you defended yourself against, saying they meant to intimidate, threaten, or harm you on purpose 

Get Help From an Experienced New Haven, CT Assault & Battery Defense Lawyer Now 

Don’t hesitate to get legal help following an assault and battery charge. You’ll need to act quickly to ensure your rights and best interests are protected and that you can navigate the Connecticut legal system without too much difficulty. Rachel Mirsky can help, no matter what criminal charges you’re facing. 

Contact Mirsky Defense today for your initial consultation to discuss the circumstances surrounding your case and what legal options you may have available to you. Call now at (203) 290-2779.

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