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What Should I Know Before My OUI Class?

What Should I Know Before My OUI Class?

New Haven DWI Class

You’ll Undergo an Assessment Before Your OUI Class

After being charged and convicted of drinking and driving, you will most likely be required to attend a mandatory drug and alcohol class (OUI Class). This course is designed specifically for OUI offenders and is intended to provide attendees with robust education on the serious and often deadly consequences of mixing alcohol, drugs, and driving. 

Here’s what you should know before you attend OUI class: 

Initially, you’ll be asked a number of questions by facility staff to determine the nature of your drug and alcohol use. This enables them to place you within the program that is best suited to help you. 

You’ll Attend Regular Counseling During Your OUI Class

During your drug and alcohol education class, you’ll be required to attend several hours of counseling. Typically this is group counseling with other people who are in similar situations, however, some education programs offer individual counseling as well. 

Counseling can help you discover the internal motivation behind your desire to drink and/or use drugs, so you can begin attacking the issue at its root. 

You’ll Learn About How Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Body 

During OUI class, you’ll gain a basic foundational education about how different drugs and alcohols affect the body’s circulatory system, central nervous system, digestive system, and more. You’ll discover how to identify when you or someone might be experiencing an overdose and how to get someone who has taken too much to safety. 

You’ll Learn About the Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

An important part of OUI education is to impress upon convicted offenders the seriousness of driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

OUI schools use a number of different ways to do this, from hiring public speakers who have formerly been involved in a critical drunk driving crash to showing video footage in OUI class of first responders attending to car accidents caused by drugs or alcohol. Knowing what to expect in this regard can make sure there aren’t any uncomfortable or triggering surprises. 

How an Experienced OUI Attorney Can Help 

After being arrested for driving while intoxicated, or for any other crime, it’s critical that you act to protect your rights and your future with the help of a seasoned OUI criminal defense lawyer. Call now for your initial consultation to discuss your case in detail at (203) 290-2779. Our office is standing by to provide you with the legal advocacy you need.

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