How Can I Defend Myself Against A Reckless Driving Charge?
Reckless Driving Charge In New Haven
In the state of Connecticut, the law is strict on reckless driving and a common misconception about a reckless driving charge is that it’s a difficult charge to beat. There are many potential defense strategies you may be able to use to fight your case, depending on the evidence at hand. Here are some possible defenses and how to get legal help protecting your rights after being charged with a crime.
Reckless Driving Charge: Possible Defenses
You Weren’t Driving the Vehicle
This might seem like a bit of a stretch, but there are many cases in which this is a strong defense strategy. Remember that the prosecution has the burden of proof in your case and under certain circumstances, they may not be able to offer indisputable evidence that you were driving recklessly.
You Had a Genuine Emergency
You may be able to have the charges against you dismissed or reduced to speeding if you were driving recklessly in order to attend a genuine emergency. You will likely need to provide evidence of that emergency, such as the medical records of a loved one’s birth, injury, or death. The date and time indicated on the records will need to match up with the date and time you were stopped by the police while driving.
The Area You Were Driving In Had Inadequate Signage
Excessive speeding and weaving in and out of traffic can both be considered reckless driving under certain circumstances. However, if the area you were driving in did not have a speed limit or no passing signs, you may not have known how much faster you were going over the speed limit or that you weren’t allowed to change lanes. This may be an adequate defense strategy for a reduction of the charges in some reckless driving cases.
The Officer Who Stopped You Did Not Properly Calibrate Their Equipment
Law enforcement officers must adhere to strict guidelines to ensure their equipment is working properly and producing accurate data. If a police officer fails to meet this requirement, you may be able to have the charges against you dropped if there’s no physical evidence of speeding or other reckless driving behavior.
Arrested On A Reckless Driving Charge? Call Mirsky Criminal Defense Now
It’s important not to wait long after being arrested for reckless driving to contact an experienced New Haven criminal defense lawyer. Mirsky Criminal Defense can provide you with the aggressive and comprehensive legal representation you need to protect your rights, record, and reputation. Call now for your consultation at (203) 290-2779.